Vehicle Registration
Vehicle Registration –International Registration Plan (IRP)
NEST provides registration assistance through the International Registration Plan (IRP) for you to receive your required annual IFTA sticker. We also provide any assistance needed in obtaining Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) for multiple state registration requirements. If you operate a truck or bus in interstate commerce, the registration requirements of the UCR apply to your business. Fees are paid in accordance with the size of your fleet. NEST makes these tasks seamless for your company.
- Base Plate Application, NEST will provide all documentation necessary including applications to the motor vehicle division to obtain your base plate, IFTA Fuel Tax License and IFTA stickers.
- NEST will register your vehicles based on the number of states that you travel in.
- Renew registration; NEST will annually renew your equipment registration based on the number of states you travelled in and the miles you travelled in each state.

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