Monthly Safety Instructional Material
NEST offers monthly safety newsletters that cover a variety of transportation safety topics that keep your driver’s safe. This tool has a positive impact on driver performance on the road. Each driver receives a copy of the monthly safety letter and signs off that he or she received the information. The safety information provided gives safety directors and owners several effective topics of discussion during safety meetings and also provides evidence in individual personnel files that safety is being discussed and enforced in your company.
- The newsletter can be used as an effective training tool for discussing safety conditions and situations throughout you company
- The newsletter can be used as documentation in each driver’s file as safety training each month
- Employees can download and view the newsletter monthly and discuss the safety topic formally or informally among supervisors and peers
- Supervisors can ensure that employees read and implement safety topics and ideas throughout your company
- Employees can be better informed and enlightened on safety assumptions and deliberate safety knowledge among each other
- It enhances safety awareness throughout your organization

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